Current open hours are Monday - Thursday, 7am-3:30pm, Friday 8:30am - 5pm and Saturdays, 9am-4pm.
In-store shopping: masks are optional (but welcome and appreciated). Thanks for your help in keeping my business open to the public!
June 11, June 25
(2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month), 2-4 pm
June 16
(3rd Wednesdays, May-October), 5-8 pm
May 26 - June 6 Pattern available for preorder at a discounted price. (Includes swatching info.) Find it at Ravelry or Olive Knits.
July 1 Full pattern released. Drop in cast on festivities at Yarn Folk 12-5.
July 1 - 31 Online events and giveaways continue!
More details at Olive Knits. Suggested yarn/color combinations on our 4Day KAL page and you can find sample sweater details in our May 17 blog post!
June 22-23 9am-3:30pm
June 24 9am-5:00pm
Our Loch Lomond restock arrived, including new-to-us colors Erica (a vibrant raspberry), Salmon, and Denim. And if you loved the cheerful green of the main pattern photo, take a look at Fresh Green. (Sailaway pattern here at Ravelry, and here at Olive Knits.)
We also received some new stickers and cards from Honeyberry Studio. While there are alpacas and a llama on a couple of the designs, these are not specifically fiber-related--but illustrator Yuko's gentle, loving messages resonated with me.
And we have the June colorway from Apple Fiber Studio's Pretty Pretty Yarn Club--Japanese Iris. Pair it with its friends from this quarter--Native Lilac and Royal Velvet--or enjoy those little pops of neon on their own!
CWU's Student Fashion Show was this past Saturday, and it continues to be one of my favorite local events. From top to bottom, the collections pictured above were created by student designers Erika Ramirez, Mckenzie Chase, Hope Pringle, and Hunter Mcdonald. The program from the show is here, and you can watch the virtual shows from 2020 and 2021 on the Apparel, Textiles, & Merchandising YouTube channel.
I've been on a mission to finish the Outline Tee in Amano Awa. I didn't, quite, but I did finish the front, and just have the upper back to complete, plus the armhole ribbing. If I finish, will that catapult us into warmer weather, or delay it further?? I did get to unfurl the intentionally dropped stitches, which is always a good time.