Vintage Valentines & Market Baskets

February 04, 2025

Vintage Valentines & Market Baskets

One of my favorite things about February -- vintage knitting/yarn/wool valentines. They're so punny!

Reminder: February 9th is the last day you can order a Valentine's Surprise!

…mark your calendars

Social Stitching

Every Saturday, 2-4p

Bring your current project, and spend some time with others who really vibe on yarn! As we enter cold and flu season, please consider wearing a mask if you're feeling a little "off," or join us just as soon as you're feeling better!

Madelinetosh Woolcycle Sport Garment Trunk Show

Through February 9 

It finally arrived! 


…new in the shop

We're excited to have a selection of colorful elephant grass baskets from Gitzell Fair Trade. These baskets are hand made in Ghana, and imported to the US by a member of the Fair Trade Federation. They are perfect for containing multiple crochet or knitting projects, and their generous size will also let you load up at the Ellensburg Farmers Market this summer. They arrive somewhat compressed to save on shipping space, but we've already had good reports on how well they respond to reshaping with water, as described on the tags. 

These are available in store only, and no two designs are alike. Stop in soon for the best selection, and if you have non-stitching friends who are fans of this style of basket, let them know they are available at Yarn Folk! They are priced at $60, and are large enough to hold a blanket project.

…to inspire

(James was one of my very favorite reads last year.)

What if, instead of a temperature blanket, you created a stitched record of your reading during a year? (Or really whatever time period works for you.) Colors from the covers are interpreted as mitered squares. I LOVE this idea, and my audiobook listening is slow enough that it might actually be a reasonable project for me! 

The knitted Book Blanket Recipe by Katy Banks is free on Ravelry, and the free Paintbox pattern from Frankie Brown gives you mitered square instructions for a crochet equivalent. 


...currently stitching 

The Spring Leaf Cardigan for Big Sis  took 114 grams of Woolcycle Sport, so there would definitely be enough for coordinating accessories. And just based on math, you could make either of the next two sizes. My gauge was slightly smaller than the pattern (6 stitches per inch, rather than 5.5), so the finished chest measurement is about 1.5" smaller. It's a very dear little sweater, and yes, it really is that PINK!

Bermy 18 has about 1 1/3 sleeves. We'll circle back next week when it should have TWO sleeves, and at least part of a body!

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