
August 11, 2020

Teamwork Yarn Folk

Pre-wedding photo

Wednesday will mark Mr. Yarn Folk’s and my twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. For our purposes here, he’s a big part of the reason Yarn Folk exists today. When I was charting a course away from the postal service, I asked him, one evening in November, what he would think about me opening a yarn shop, and he answered absolutely without hesitation, “I think you should do it.” The following April, I did. Support and encouragement are fine things to experience in a partnership, but I was, and continue to be, humbled by and grateful for the depth of his cheerful faith in this endeavor. Sign me up for another 25! <3


Current open hours are Monday - Friday, 7am-3:30pm, and Saturdays, 9am-1pm. In-store shopping: mask covering nose and mouth required for the duration of your visit; two customers at a time; avoid any wait by scheduling at And we’re always open at!

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“Plus I left one extra hole for its dreams and ideas”

“Plus I left one extra hole for its dreams and ideas”

…to learn (and do)


Social Stitching via Zoom


Wednesday, August 12, 12:00-1:00pm SOUNDTRACK KAL OR open Zoom and enter 883-5111-1252 for the meeting ID

Of course, you can work on whatever you like!

Thursday, August 13, 4:00-6:00pm OR open Zoom and enter 981-942-707 for the meeting ID

Friday, August 14, 12:00-1:00pm OR open Zoom and enter 741-980-568 for the meeting ID



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Shelves fully stocked with Berroco Ultra Wool

Shelves fully stocked with Berroco Ultra Wool

Yarn Tetris is a slow-paced puzzle game that calls upon the player to estimate how much room will be available for a yarn when it arrives, factoring in a minimum of a week between ordering and delivery. Other variables include how many skeins fit in a cubby or on a hook, how likely it is that backorders will reduce the total number of skeins shipped, and more!

TL;DR: There’s lots of new Ultra Wool and Bamboo Pop, including some appealing new bright, heathered pastels!

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…to inspire


Knit and crocheted stick figures wearing masks, affixed to a fence

Knit and crocheted stick figures wearing masks, affixed to a fence

A fun project from some of our Yakima friends. Here’s the article from the Yakima Herald. Nice work, Eweknits!

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The Rose That Grew From Concrete


Just a tiny sneak peek of this project, as it’s essentially a very over-the-top swatch for a new yarn I’ve ordered, but which won’t be available for awhile yet. I think you’ll love this dyer’s rich and layered colors! Pattern is The Rose That Grew From Concrete, by Mara Licole. [image: close up view of three-color shawl]

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