I was hoping to have swatches to show you this week, but my package from Berroco was delayed in transit, and is scheduled to arrive today! I can’t wait to show you the combos I’m suggesting, but I also have several yarns in stock that would work for this project—Blue Sky Woolstok, HiKoo Kenzie, Knitted Wit Polwarth Shimmer, Neighborhood Fiber Studio DK, and Plymouth Yarn Moon Shadow.
Check out the specs for Soundtrack, and next week, look for my swatches and info on a Zoom cast on party. The 4 Day KAL runs from July 1-August 1 this year. No stress!
My current open hours are Monday - Friday, 7am-3:30pm, and Saturdays 9am-1pm. We’re always open at yarnfolk.com/shop, and will be adding more items as I untangle the tax and shipping options.
Wednesday, June 17, 12:00-1:00pm BREATHE & HOPE Virtual KAL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88351111252?pwd=WFpkR2pLaEx4d1dMSFI3OXl4dWJ5Zz09 OR open Zoom and enter 883-5111-1252 for the meeting ID
Thursday, June 18, 4:00-6:00pm https://us04web.zoom.us/j/981942707?pwd=TExyQlRPWnB3OW40QkFZRCs5aVRtQT09 OR open Zoom and enter 981-942-707 for the meeting ID
Friday, June 19, 12:00-1:00pm https://us04web.zoom.us/j/741980568?pwd=bXp1ellFUHNqS0lUaFYvS1ord3Fndz09 OR open Zoom and enter 741-980-568 for the meeting ID
IMPORTANT: As of April 5th, Zoom required passwords to enter meetings to prevent unauthorized guests from entering. PASSWORD FOR ALL MEETINGS IS 330044.
I added some additional Berroco Drop Ship Program projects last week, and there are now a number of great summer top options. Above are the Villa Tee (knit) and the Maldives Tee (crochet), both in Medina, a cotton/acrylic/rayon blend. The Oneida Tee and the Unadilla Cardigan both use Farro, a cotton/nylon tape yarn. And Derecho calls for Remix Light, a nylon/cotton/acrylic/silk/linen blend that is made from 100% recycled fibers.
With many libraries opening for curbside pick up, perhaps you’re looking for some knit lit to mix in with your stitching. From memoirs to romance to cozy mysteries, there are lots of titles on this list. If your library is affiliated with Overdrive, the Libby app is a great option for exploring free audio books!