Yarn Folk is participating in the Slow Yarn Crawl again this year, although it has assumed a much different form than last year’s crawl. All of us who are open are operating with restrictions of some kind, and I would imagine most of us are still reeling from the experience of trying to hurse our businesses along without access to our storefronts. In recognition of these realities, the Slow Yarn Crawl has added a virtual crawl option this year.
As before, if you are able to travel, you are eligible to have your passport stamped at the time of your visit—no purchase required. But if this is not a summer of travel for you, an online purchase from a participating shop will qualify you for a stamp and the shop’s Slow Yarn Crawl pattern codes. You can find the regular participation guidelines here, and the special “couch crawl” options here.
Above are Yarn Folk’s patterns for the crawl, Roslyn Snow Plot, designed by me, and Vintner, designed by Jeananne Atthowe. Currently, the patterns are available free to Slow Crawlers, or at a premium price on Ravelry. Following the Slow Yarn Crawl, they will revert to the Yarn Folk and Cerulean Orchid design libraries. Kits for both patterns will be available soon!
Slow Yarn Crawl Passports can be purchased from Yarn Folk here.
Because public health orders vary throughout the region, we recommend that you check with any shop you plan to visit. My current open hours are Monday - Friday, 7am-3:30pm, and Saturdays 9am-1pm. We’re always open at yarnfolk.com/shop, and will be adding more items as I untangle the tax and shipping options.
Wednesday, June 10, 12:00-1:00pm BREATHE & HOPE Virtual KAL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88351111252?pwd=WFpkR2pLaEx4d1dMSFI3OXl4dWJ5Zz09 OR open Zoom and enter 883-5111-1252 for the meeting ID
Thursday, June 11, 4:00-6:00pm https://us04web.zoom.us/j/981942707?pwd=TExyQlRPWnB3OW40QkFZRCs5aVRtQT09 OR open Zoom and enter 981-942-707 for the meeting ID
Friday, June 12, 12:00-1:00pm https://us04web.zoom.us/j/741980568?pwd=bXp1ellFUHNqS0lUaFYvS1ord3Fndz09 OR open Zoom and enter 741-980-568 for the meeting ID
IMPORTANT: As of April 5th, Zoom required passwords to enter meetings to prevent unauthorized guests from entering. PASSWORD FOR ALL MEETINGS IS 330044.
While the Olive Knits 4 Day Knitalong has always had a flexible time frame, this year, the official KAL period is July 1 - August 1. Yes, that’s right four WEEKS, not days! You can take a look at the pattern for Soundtrack here; note that the early bird price is good through June 15th; after that, it will be $9.00.
This year’s design is a two-color, DK weight unisex circular yoke pullover with finished bust/chest fit of 32-64”. While I’ve swatched my yarn choice (in random colors, based on samples I had on hand), I am waiting for my yarn to arrive from Berroco—along with two additional colorways . I will be offering all three options as kits through Berroco’s Drop Ship program. Unlike the Drop Ship projects of the week (which I continue to add to yarnfolk.com/shop), these combos are my own “mixtapes” for Soundtrack—look for them soon!
I’ve spent a total of seven days of my life in New York City, and one of my very favorite things about those trips was the near-constant opportunity to admire street fashion. I loved this article in Vogue about the emergence of COVID-19 masks as a fashion item. Photographer Layla Amatullah Barrayn captured these beautiful portraits, and they really emphasize how much of our humanity shines through even when our faces are covered.
I want to thank everyone who has visited Yarn Folk in person while wearing a mask. I appreciate your help in minimizing our collective risk so much.
(More of Layla B’s photographs can be found on her Instagram feed.)