LYS Day, THIS Saturday! 🧶🧶🧶

April 25, 2023

LYS Day, THIS Saturday! Yarn Folk

Here's what you'll find at LYS Day 2023 at Yarn Folk!

  • Two-color kits from Dream in Color on that luscious base, Smooshy with Cashmere
  • Limited edition laser cut wood yarn boxes and tablet stands in the LYS Day "Wool Story" style
  • Limited edition color yarn and spinning fiber from Wonderland Yarns / Frabjous Fibers
  • LYS Day colorway "Bonaire" on Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light 
  • Code for free LYS Day pattern from Casapinka with purchase of two skeins of fingering/sock weight yarn
  • Free pattern for knit and crochet cowls, "Brick (knit) and Mortar (crochet" from Berroco with purchase of any Berroco, Lang, or Amano Yarns
  • Code for your choice of one pattern from Blue Sky Fibers with purchase of any Blue Sky Fiber yarn
  • Free pattern code for the Vinea Scarf with any Madelinetosh purchase
  • Free pattern code for your choice from The Almanac Series or The Almanac Series II with any purchase of Lore
  • Free pattern code for the LYS Love Shawl from Jessica Ays with any purchase of 500-600 yards DK weight yarn to make it
  • Door Prizes! (Not quite as many as for our 10th Shop Anniversary, but they are still good ones!

As with Yarn Folk's 10th Anniversary introductions, LYS Day featured merchandise will be up at at 9 am on Saturday--don't panic if you don't find them there *before* 9 🙃

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…mark your calendars

Social Stitching

Every Saturday, 2-4pm

Join us around the big table for a couple of hours of convivial stitching. 

Girls Night Out

April 27 5-9pm

Start at the Ellensburg Downtown Association office, 109 E. Third to pick up your bingo card and list of participating businesses, then sip, shop, dine, play bingo, and win fabulous prizes! For each $20 you spend, you'll be entered to win one of two huge gift baskets with merchandise and gift certificates from participating locations.

Here at Yarn Folk, we'll have a small gift with purchase, an in-store door prize, along with chances to win the event-wide gift baskets, and we'll have a new stock of craft kits.

Local Yarn Store Day

April 29

Details above!

Knit or Crochet Every Day in May

May 1-31

We're bringing back this month-long challenge--you only have to commit to a few stitches a day to enter for  prizes at the end. You can find details and a printable PDF here.

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My cadence on adding new merchandise to the shop is off-kilter! I usually receive and add new products to have available on Tuesdays, when this lands in front of your eyeballs, but that just isn't happening this week! Check back for good stuff at Girls Night Out and LYS Day, though! 
To tide you over, I'd like to share this collection of Basics from our friends at Tin Can Knits. The patterns are available individually or as a collection, and they are sized from "baby to big" and are written for multiple yarn weights. Whether you are a minimalist, have a special yarn you want to do all the talking in a project, or need a blank canvas to improvise on, these patterns are a great place to start. You'll find the Simple Sweater, the  Classic Cardigan, the Basic Beanie, and Everyday Socks. 

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…to inspire



Fiber art  + fine art + nature? Yes, please! 

This week I'm inspired by the exacting work of artist Susanna Bauer, who combines natural leaves with fine gauge crochet. Find her work on Instagram and at -- it's stunning.

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...currently stitching




I've been furiously stitching away on samples for LYS Day. Will I finish it all? Who knows! Cross your fingers that mine will fly!

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