When my work is flowing perfectly, every day is a strong sales day, and the following week’s blog post/newsletter is complete—or close to it—on Friday.
But then along comes a time when any given Friday raises more questions than it answers, and I have to make decisions with much greater consequences than how many colors of a new yarn to stock.
I am writing this before there is additional information about how the confirmed cases at Twin City Foods will affect Kittitas County’s application to move to Phase Two of Washington State’s reopening plan. Last week was stressful and challenging—not knowing what the actual rules would be, and also feeling conflicted about what actions I wanted to take. And right now, I still don’t know, but I do have more clarity on how I want to proceed.
These are the factors I am considering:
The rate of transmission in Washington State appears to be creeping back up above 1.0, and it hasn’t been below 1.0 east of the Cascades. Above 1.0 is where we see community spread—each person experiencing infection passes it to more than one other person. (Source)
Analysis of contact tracing shows that transmission is most often linked to indoor spaces without ventilation. (Source written in non-technical language, with primary sources linked.)
While it is understood that masks don’t protect the wearer from infection, they do reduce the number of droplets spread through coughs, sneezes, talking, or yelling. My mask protects you; your mask protects me. (Source)
I have more customers who are over the age of 60 than under.
How I will be proceeding:
This week, and any additional period Kittitas County remains in Phase One, I will be at the shop for curbside pick-up on weekdays from 7 am until 3:30 pm. (My spouse is an essential employee, and I will be traveling with him.)
When Kittitas County moves to Phase Two (but not earlier than next week), I will use a scheduling tool to offer 30 minute in-person appointments. There will be a maximum of two shoppers at a time in the store; friends and family will be kindly asked to remain outside. Short-notice/drop-in appointments will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis. Hours will remain 7 am until 3:30 pm.
I will be wearing a mask while customers are in the store, and I will be requiring them of shoppers.
Appointments will be scheduled with a buffer to allow for cleaning of high touch surfaces.
Soap and disposable paper towels will be available for handwashing, with hand sanitizer as an alternative.
If your own county is still observing an earlier phase of the reopening plan, online/telephone/mail order remains available; if you will be in Ellensburg for other essential business, curbside pick up is also an option.
No cash transactions; I will key in card numbers as you read them to me. Checks can be accepted.
Floor markings will indicate 6’ distancing at the checkout.
Social events will continue via Zoom.
Yarn Folk’s public health safety plan can be viewed here.
My guiding principle when making difficult decisions has long been: “Do what you would advise your child to do.” In this case, I would advise my child to know their own values; to act with ultimate respect for the well-being of others, and to feel comfortable asking for same in return; and to conduct business with an eye toward balancing convenience and safety. Nothing here is perfect, or easy, or forever—but it’s what we have right now. I’ll see you soon.
Wednesday, May 13, 12:00-1:00pm BREATHE & HOPE Virtual KAL https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88351111252?pwd=WFpkR2pLaEx4d1dMSFI3OXl4dWJ5Zz09 OR open Zoom and enter 883-5111-1252 for the meeting ID
Thursday, May 14, 4:00-6:00pm https://us04web.zoom.us/j/981942707?pwd=TExyQlRPWnB3OW40QkFZRCs5aVRtQT09 OR open Zoom and enter 981-942-707 for the meeting ID
Friday, May 15, 12:00-1:00pm https://us04web.zoom.us/j/741980568?pwd=bXp1ellFUHNqS0lUaFYvS1ord3Fndz09 OR open Zoom and enter 741-980-568 for the meeting ID
IMPORTANT: As of April 5th, Zoom required passwords to enter meetings to prevent unauthorized guests from entering. PASSWORD FOR ALL MEETINGS IS 330044.
This week, Berroco is featuring partner brand Lopi in their Drop Ship Project of the Week series. Using Lettlopi, the sweater features bottom-up circular construction, with a stranded yoke. Lopi is, of course, a more rustic yarn—perfect for an outer layer that will last nearly forever with good care. The proect features three color combinations, in three sizes, and you can view the options here.
If you’re looking for an option with a larger size range, Tundra is another excellent option—and I took advantage of the drop ship program to order the yarn for this myself. (I’m looking at some ways of offering Lopi in the future—so if you are one of its fans, please let me know!)
My hair is too thick and coarse to be helped by headscarves, but maybe YOU can make the best of this time without haircuts…. Above is Denise Bayron’s Hatdana. Baker Jo is a little more hat-like (and would also make a nice-looking chemo cap). And the Botanist Head Scarf Foursome features stranded garter stitch, which I need to learn more about!!!