First up: last call for the Berroco yarn tasting event scheduled for THIS Friday, March 8th, from 4-6pm. In addition to the opportunity to sample four new yarns, plus two existing favorites in new colors, we'll have the design lookbooks on hand, and we'll be drawing for a nice door prize provided by Berroco from the tasting party attendees. Sign up here. There's also an at-home option, where the tasting kits are shipped to your home. You can order those here.
Also: here are some fantastic completed and in progress pictures from the Scandi Makealong! Clockwise from top left: Betsy's Bloman Faroe Sweater, modified to tunic length, Debbie's Lumme, Diane's Storm Sweater, Lynn's Excavation Sweater (modified for future steeking), and Martha's self-designed Seahawk Scandi Cardi. Aren't they wonderful?
A reminder--if you're feeling poorly, please join us again as soon as you're feeling better!
We'll be sampling Berroco's new spring yarns, and there will be a door prize drawing for a project made from them. Register here.
Lots of you loved the Opal Sock Yarn we brought in in December, and last week we received the Laubgeflüster collection. Opal's color collections are themed, and they are also limited editions, so once a color is sold through, it's no longer available. Laubgeflüster translates to "leaf whispering," and the color names all nod to pleasures of the forest. Don't forget, if you enjoy a thicker sock, we also have the Opal 6-Ply, and it comes in 150g balls, so you'll have enough for a full pair in a single ball.
Another happy addition to our products is Scanfil Mending Wool (and a little bit of cotton). These cards of mending wool contain 16 yards of a wool/nylon blend, and are perfect for mending (visible or more discreet) all manner of knits, and they are also an option for wool embroidery. There are 28 colors of the wool, and four of the cotton.
And not least, we restocked customer-favorite Malabrigo Rios, refreshed the Malabrigo Arroyo, including new colors, and filled in Rasta. Those brief moments when the Malabrigo wall is completely filled in delight me--but it never stays that way for long!
I wove in the ends of Autumn Alpine just before starting this weekly blog post. I didn't quite finish by the end of Leap Day, but pretty close! (I bound off the hem on Saturday, and blocked the sweater so it would be dry on Monday. I normally weave in the ends before blocking (but trim them after the project is dry), but I didn't quite have it in me to stay any later!